The Bridge Church / Unite Movement Putnam - JAM NIGHT ! Saturday, Nov 9th, 6PM
Bring your acoustic instrument and a sweet treat and let's all praise the LORD together at The Bridge Church. Hwy 17 in San Mateo Fl.
Brick church, Blue Roof, Top of the Hill
Bible Studies Saturday Mornings, 10 & 11 AM
Trail-Life & American Heritage Girls
496 South US HWY 17, San Mateo, Florida 32187
THE BRIDGE CHURCH -Brick church, Blue roof, Top of the Hill
Only Two People Have Ever Offered to die For You:
Yeshua the Messiah Who Died For Your Soul, and The American Soldier Who Died For Your Freedom.
Trail-Life and American Heritage Girls meetings are Monday nights at 6:30. If you know a boy or girl between 5 and 18 that wants to be involved in Christian
Scouting, contact us at hebrewmessiah1@gmail.com
The "BUY NOW" button below is for misc payments through pay-pal. Please make donations through the "Offerings" button on the Home page if possible.
Today's Video: Tetra Scroll: Proving Adam's Creation Date: Filmed at HaBiet Feast of Tabernacles www.fallfeast.com
The Dented Maserati
"Jerusalem: 4000 years in 5 minutes!"